
  The other month I went to go visit Shorthand (5030 York Blvd, Los Angeles, CA 90042) and found this beauty of a store. A lot of people have been recommending that I go, so I finally made it over there. I spent like $18 in about twenty minutes. These photos don't really do the place justice.

Shorthand is definitely a show room style of shopping, which I personally haven't really encountered before. Half the store is a printing press, as Shorthand is the front for Iron Curtain Press. A lot of these cards are from them (I believe).

Color organization with minimalistic design? Sign me the HECK UP MAN! 

I think the pros are that this store carries some brands I haven't seen before - including their house brand, which makes these cute vintage-y off colors that I first saw on CW Pencil Enterprises' website - and some small itty bitty knickknacks. I bought this:

The bag is adorable. I also bought some more pencils to share with my friends. The pencil on the left writes in ~rainbow~. Call me a sucker. The e+m sharpener is DEFINITELY WORTH THE HYPE, it's so dang heavy.

  The cons are for a stationery store, it's SO catered to the taste of the buyer there's a lot lacking. There are SOME Midori products, but not any from the Traveler's Notebook line except for the brass pen attachments/clips, which I thought was kind of strange. (I was also looking for the replacement rubber bands bands specifically, but whatever.) There also isn't that much offered up in the basic stationery (re: letter writing) department. It's mostly notebooks/cards as my photos identify.
  When I was there I couldn't help but overhear a customer ask for a non photo blue or eraseable pencil and that the person at the counter couldn't really identify and offered up a Prismacolor instead (it don't erase, don't try it).
   I think because of the minimalist quality of the store and the fact that you can't try everything (or have swatches of stuff laid out, at least) it's a jump blindly in kind of store. It's a stationery store that's great when you aren't sure what you are looking for, or if you don't have any particular needs but are just browsing. It's really fun and beautiful, though, but I can't picture myself frequenting this place (disclaimer: I work at a stationery store). I will visit again when I go visit Donut Friend!
